Live Green

16 Pins
An Inventory of Cleaning Tools | Brushes, Brooms & Bristles (Homesong)
An Inventory of Cleaning Tools | Brushes, Brooms & Bristles | Homesong | Bloglovin’
Go Green in Your Apartment Month-by-Month (Infographic)
Go green in your apartment one month at a time #EcoFriendly #Green #Health #Water #Infographic
Brandless: Live Well. Take Care. Do Good
A peek into @_malika_yasmin_'s rainbow fridge. Making meal prep for the week look gooood. "Top row L to R: blueberries, beans (getting ready for chili), strawberries, butternut squash ready for roasting + soup, carrots on top going in that soup, shaved Brussels for Asian inspired warm salad. Pasta's gonna happened at some point this week, I’m all sauced up! And last but not least kale. I’m going to weave it into one meal a day this week." What are some of your favorite meal prep strategies? #fr
Photos - Zero Waste Home
Zero waste home Beautiful simplicity
Zero Waste Products That Save Money
Beginner frugal zero waste products and living tips that are great weekly money saving tricks. Includes simple eco friendly, green living, zero waste bathroom, kitchen, cleaning, beauty and makeup swaps you can shop for on a tight budget to kick off your zero waste lifestyle challenge and keep up your motivation for green living. #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #zerowastelifestyle #frugal #frugalliving #frugaltips #ecofriendly #greenliving #greenlivingtips #moneysavingtips #savemoney
Going Green Goals – Happy Earth Day! - Bird's Eye Meeple
GreenGoals Eco Friendly living #ecofriendly #ecofriendlydinner #dinneerD #ecofriendlykitchen #ecofriendlydecor #ecofriendlyproducts #ecofriendlygifts #ecofriendlyweeding #ecofriendlyliving #ecofriendlyideas #ecofriendlytips
Mitom TV - Bóng đá trực tuyến HD, trực tuyến MitomTV không QC
2018 Green Living Printables - Green Living Detective
Old-fashioned zero waste living
Zero waste living in old-fashioned! Many parts of zero waste are just traditional skills and practice that are being adopted again for the benefit of the #earth #zerowaste #lowimpact #goingzerowaste #oldfashioned #oldfashion #traditional #tradition #frugal #environment #environmentalist #green #greenliving #natural #naturalliving #eco #ecofriendly #lifestyle
15 Zero-Waste Bathroom Swaps To make Today - A Greener life
zero waste bathroom - a greener life
Go Green to Save Money & the Planet!
Go green to save some serious green! Check out these easy strategies for greener living that can save you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. #ecofriendly #greenliving #saveenergy #reducefootprint
100 Ways to Create a Natural Home - Minimal Domesticity
This is the ultimate guide to natural and eco friendly living at home! From natural cleaning products to zero waste lifestyle tips, here are 100 ideas to create a green home. #greenliving #naturalliving #zerowaste #greenhome
Only thing I disagree with is the shower curtain one. If you're in the market for a new one then yes, use natural materials but if your current plastic one is still good then use it up! It does nothing for the environment to throw it away and buy more. The goal should be to buy less stuff.
Five Household Items you might not be Cleaning Enough! - Nesting With Grace
Five Household Items you might not be Cleaning Enough! - Nesting With Grace