
26 Pins
RESERVED - Carved Dragon Jade Bangle Bracelet White with Green and Lavender Moving Parts 6" Wrist Size Small with GIA Report - TH115
Carved Dragon Jade Bangle Bracelet White with Green and Lavender Moving Parts 6" Wrist Size Small with GIA Report - TH115
isn't this too icy to be jade? unless it's tested... if not, it will be just another clear crystal...
Traditional Chinese Handmade Hair Accessories
Traditional Chinese Handmade Hair Accessories
Hair Comb Exhibit at the Lalique Museum in Hakone, Japan
Two Swallows with a Stalk of Oats c. 1906-1908, carved horn gold and diamonds, with a Meiji kanzashi of plover birds. In Swallows, Lalique takes the Japanese motif to a new level of inventive design and composition.
René Jules Lalique – Artwork, Bio, and Analysis of the French Jeweller - Artlex
René Jules Lalique (1860-1945) hair ornament
René Lalique, Dessin asymétrique, émeraudes, diamants (Les cahiers d'Alain Truong)
René Lalique, Dessin asymétrique, émeraudes, diamants
35 Steampunk Wedding Accessories For Brides And Bridesmaids
35 Steampunk Wedding Accessories For Brides And Bridesmaids |