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The Battle for LA, Time Magazine, November 2037
The Battle for LA, Time Magazine, November 2037 - Imgur
Seiner No. 4 13" x 17"
It's a town day, and the crew is going through the net, working in the engine room, and ironing out some issues in the fish hold. They seem to have forgotten to take the garbage ashore though, to the delight of the crows on the bow.This is the fourth drawing in my series of seine boats, and has the most action of the bunch so far.Artist: Tom CrestodinaThere will be 500 prints in the series.
Seiner No. 3 11" x 14"
This is a fiberglass seiner built in the style of the great limit seiners built by Delta Marine in Seattle in the 1980s. The bulbous bow was not an...
Tug No. 3
This is a comfortable pushtug working the inland waterways. It has large pushknees in the bow, and is powered Detroit Diesel 12v71 engines and their distinctive roar. In the background is the grain terminal on the Wilammette River in Porland, Or.There will be 500 signed numbered prints in this series.Artist: Tom Crestodina
Fire Boat Duwamish 22 X 17
This is a cutaway of the historic fire boat Duwamish, which is now at the historic ships dock on south Lake Union in Seattle. It is shown here with the engines it has had since after the second world war, but the scene is that of the 1914 Grand Trunk Pacific Dock fire, the largest fire in Seattle since the great fire of 1889. The boat is built around two massive pumps and the pipes that feed the eight water cannons on the deck, of which five can be seen here for the sake of ...
Research Ship No. 1 22" X 17"
This intrepid scientific and oceanographic vessel is outfitted to chart the seas and do the important research that informs decicioinmakers. It is outfitted with a submersible, a wave buoy, a charting room, a chemistry laboratory. and launches to chart shallow waters. It also has a galley and mess, a wardroom, bow thruster, steering gear room, laundry, and an engine room that houses a mighty Electro-Motive Diesel engine.Artist: Tom CrestodinaThere will be 500 signed, numbered...
Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections (with Text)
Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections (with Text) - Imgur
Infographic: Life Inside The Kowloon Walled City
Courtesy of South China Morning Post and Fascinating article on a vernacular architectural development.