
24 Pins
Diane Pick- Ross's favorites
.Fractal ;) - Please consider enjoying some flavorful Peruvian Chocolate this holiday season. Organic and fair trade certified, it's made where the cacao is grown providing fair paying wages to women. Varieties include: Quinoa, Amaranth, Coconut, Nibs, Coffee, and flavorful dark chocolate. Available on Amazon!
Benoit Mandelbrot Fractal Art Contest 2007 ~~ Entry: Jewel of the Smiles
“Jewel of the Smiles” Joe Zazulak - Mandelbrot Fractal
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Fractal Print by Kelly Dietrich on Etsy {EDL} - contact with domain owner |
The head of Romanesco broccoli is a striking example of an approximate fractal in nature
Third eye activation portal
When you realize that other dimensions exist, you will never again think of life, death, yourself, or the Universe in the same way again. - The Afterlife of Billy Fingers
fractal board
SJYanns User Profile | DeviantArt
Feast your eyes on this paisley
.Loving Colours by thelma1
TheyCallMeNobody by FractsSH on DeviantArt
TheyCallMeNobody by fractal art made with mandelbulb 3d
~ fractals ~
Mandelbrot Fractals: Hunting the Hidden Dimension
Mandelbrot Fractals: Hunting the Hidden Dimension | Markosun's Blog
Each tiny section fits so perfectly and serenely. nothing out of place, nothing in dissention mode. The color of kings seems to radiate around and within: shades of purple, blues, touches of beige and aquamarine. And: it all fits.
fractal art Search on
Blue Fractal ~ by Eva