Who knew? Good to know!

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Ein Origami X-Wing..
Besten Bilder, Videos und Sprüche und es kommen täglich neue lustige Facebook Bilder auf DEBESTE.DE. Hier werden täglich Witze und Sprüche gepostet!
how to speak bionicle -               BIONICLEadvanced.com
Matoran alphabet—from Lego's Bionicle series
Sewing Machine Needle Guide
Material-Types, Sewing Machine Needle Tutorial, and Quick Color Guide to figuring out which needles are best for the fabric that you are using.
18 Rules for Using Text
18 Rules for Using Text - If your document has text in it, follow the rules. You’ll start to see a world of difference in your professional documents, whether they be formal reports, brochures, or even your personal résumé. These rules for using text apply across the board.