
Søt, søtere, søtest
For mange år siden kom jentene hjem etter en runde julebukk i nabolaget. "Mamma, du MÅ ringe Brit og spørre hvordan hun lager disse!", sa...
This is the recipe for how to make Low Carb Pizza Rolls
Low Carb Pizza Rolls Great for a #snack or a #meal #lowcarb #pizza #pizzarolls #easy
The Best Frozen Hot Chocolate | The Domestic Rebel
These Frozen Hot Chocolates are the BEST ever! Frosty-cold, super chocolaty and taste just like cocoa! You'll love this easy, foolproof recipe!
Coconut Almond Protein Bars (Paleo) | Cotter Crunch
Paleo Mango Coconut Almond Protein Bars! These no bake bars are balanced with flavor, easy to digest, made with natural sugars, healthy fats, and complete protein. Great for travel, pre/post workout fuel, breakfast, and healthy snacking!
Low Carb Protein Bars ... Working (it) Out - Chocolate Chilli Mango
Low Carb Protein Bars - MUST TRY! All VERY low net carbs & high protein, unlike store bought bars that claim to be high protein, but contain large amounts of carbs!
Proteinbar med korrekt aminosyresammensætning (Lev sundt)
Proteinbar med korrekt aminosyresammensætning
Mocha Brownie Protein Bars | Amy's Healthy Baking
Mocha Brownie Protein Bars -- they're just as fudgy as brownies! Just 98 calories & almost 13g of protein!
No Bake Cocoa Bars
Mommy's Kitchen: No Bake Cocoa Bars {Give in to your chocolate craving}.
Protein bar: it's really hard to find the perfect protein bar. Most have way too many carbs or contain sugar alcohol which for some has a very unpleasant side effect. These use chocolate protein powder and natural peanut butter and top out at 3.88 net carbs and a whopping 23.54 grams of protein! Makes 8 bars
No Bake Cocoa Bars
Mommy's Kitchen: No Bake Cocoa Bars {Give in to your chocolate craving}.
Chocolate Oatmeal No Bake Bars
Try out these no-bake bars filled with healthier and tasty ingredients...
Chocolate Oatmeal Bars
Chocolate Oatmeal Bars | | #oatmeal #chocolate #bars