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TABLE OF CONTENTS Monk Magic Items 'The Emerald Dragon isa Rowing gieedeagon eabluzoaed ont As an action, you can spend up Kipoints shatter the minds of your eneries ina cone, Each creature within throw the area must make a or Intligence saving throw againet your Kisave DCor take 246 peychic damage peri polnt expended. Ona sucets a creature takes half damage, Tnadaltion, you can se Stllnes of Mind asa bonus action Martial Hakama Wondrous item. Uncommon (require attunement). 'These silk pants allow you to hone the force of a raging river or the fluidity of a babbling brook. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with 'unarmed strikes. When you use Patient Defense, fa creature within your reach misses you with an attack roll you can use your reaction to attack it with an unarmed strike, 'Additionally, once per turn, when you roll a Lon damage die for an unarmed strike, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. Wondrous item. Uncommon. 'The bottoms ofthese wooden sandals have a hard 'metal coating, When you use Slow Fall, if a creature Strength saving throw against your Ki save DC. On a failure, the creature takes damage equal to the damage you reduced and is knocked prone. On a success, it takes half the damage and is not knocked prone, Kid OYHO 6 - iFunny
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