Inspirasjon til huset

5 dreamy spaces 13.11.2016
pinterest: @mylittlejourney | tumblr: @toxicangel | twitter: @stef_giordano | ig: @stefgphotography
10 Ideas For Square Photos
My friend has this on her door frame and along the very top of her walls all around her room :)
Have a Spare Room?
spare room converted to walk-in closet. i love that it's not permanent, so you could always take it back to a spare bedroom if needed!
85 Closets Pequenos Inspiradores: Soluções e Ideias
It's alright if you don't have closet space...check out this external closet! The bookshelf is a great idea
Who knew that geometric on tropical could work so well. You know what they say about rules being made to be broken!