Yoga workouts

25 Pins
Shoulder Stretches
Love this set of shoulder stretches! So many great ones I'm not even sure where to start. Check it out if you've spent too much time hunched over the computer today.
Bodyweight Back Workout - The Health Science Journal
Office workers and anybody who tends to sit a lot will find these exercises very helpful in alleviating problems and symptoms associated with prolonged sitting. If you are diagnosed with a spinal or back injury, consult with your doctor if these exercises are suitable for you. The series so far: Exercise #1: Cat-Cow Exercise #2: Back Extension …
Pilates Swan Dive - Strengthen Back and Core Muscles - The Health Science Journal
Office workers and anybody who tends to sit a lot will find these exercises very helpful in alleviating problems and symptoms associated with prolonged sitting. If you are diagnosed with a spinal or back injury, consult with your doctor if these exercises are suitable for you. The series so far: Exercise #1: Cat-Cow Exercise #2: Back Extension …
Roll-Up - Abdominal Exercises for Spine and Core Stabilization, Part 2 - The Health Science Journal
Exercises for spinal and core movement and stabilization with a particular attention on the abdominal area and its importance in spinal flexion and core bal
Crab - Exercises to Improve Flexibility of Your Back and Spine, Part 3 - The Health Science Journal
Anybody who tends to sit a lot will find these exercises very helpful in alleviating problems and symptoms associated with prolonged sitting.
Stiff Back? Just One Stretch to Relax Your Back Muscles! - The Health Science Journal
Our aim with these planned series of back straightening exercises is to give you with an exercise program, which when practiced regularly, will help you ...
Double Leg Stretch - Abdominal Exercises for Core Stabilization, Part 6 - The Health Science Journal
After the success we’ve had with our two previous series of exercises, we’ve decided to publish a third one, to complete our take on posture, spine and core flexibility, stability and coordination. To recap, we previously wrote about: Exercises to improve your posture and bring relief to your back and spine, and Exercises to improve …
Bodyweight Back Exercises - Swimming - The Health Science Journal
Office workers and anybody who tends to sit a lot will find these exercises very helpful in alleviating problems and symptoms associated with prolonged sitting. If you are diagnosed with a spinal or back injury, consult with your doctor if these exercises are suitable for you. The series so far: Exercise #1: Cat-Cow Exercise #2: Back Extension …
This Exercise Will Improve Your Spinal Health & Posture (Essential for Chronic Sitters) - The Health Science Journal
After the work we did with our series of back and spinal exercises, we return to the topic with a simple, but important exercise for spinal health – Lateral Leg Lift. Anybody who tends to sit a lot will eventually experience problems and symptoms associated with prolonged sitting, like reduced spinal flexibility and fragile back …
Sam's Rehab lab - I'm sharing some IT band work I've been trying lately. I kind of like these 🙌😀 . . . Happy Friday Peoples . . .…