
19 Pins
Zimmer im Grünen - Pflanzen als Wandschmuck
ähnliche tolle Projekte und Ideen wie im Bild vorgestellt findest du auch in unserem Magazin . Wir freuen uns auf deinen Besuch. Liebe Grüße
39+ Unique And Beautiful Fairy Garden Ideas Easy To Create — Freshouz Home & Architecture Decor
Wicked 39+ Unique And Beautiful Fairy Garden Ideas Easy To Create
topp bastelbücher ländliche winterwelt
Bildergebnis für topp bastelbücher ländliche winterwelt
Owl Painted Rocks - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
The other week I bought a bag of Caribbean beach pebbles from Home Depot, and we have been having so much fun painting them! Janie had a blast covering her rocks with every possible color of paint, while Gresham painted little lighthouses on his. (I should take a picture of the lighthouse ones!) Gresham suggested …
DIY: pinecone owl & hedgehog
WhiMSy love: DIY: pinecone owl : 5 colors of felt. •rust for 2 wings in a leaf-ish shape (2 3/4" long/1 1/4" at widest point) •orange for the beak (3/4" wide x 7/8" tall) •dark brown for the face/ears (2 3/4" wide x 1 1/2" tall at highest point) •turquoise for 2 large eye circles (1 1/4" round) •mustard for 2 small eye circles (7/8" round)