shrimp and veggies on a tray with the text, shrimp the best 7 day meal plan for shrimp lovers that doesn't go overboard

Shrimply The Best Meal Plan for Shrimp Lovers, Shrimp Recipes, Weekly Meal Plan, 7 Day Recipes, Meal Prep, Food Prep

Product Details
Shrimply the Best is a 7-day meal plan that serves two people. This plan has just the right amount of shrimpiness. A mixture of meals that can be prepared ahead of time, with leftovers built in, along with fresh meals makes this plan versatile for any two people. Each day has 1600-1700 calories with daily averages of fat - 100g, protein - 90g, and carbohydrates - 155g. **Please see pic for ACTUAL DAILY NUTRITIONAL and MACRO information for this meal plan. This plan contains fresh fruits and vegetables, shrimp, ground beef, almonds and more. And the Matcha Energy Balls are a daily treat! Printable, PDF format Using 7-Day Meal Plans In this ebook you will find a 7-day meal plan along with an itemized grocery list delicious recipes with details and nutrition information all in convenient PDF format. Note that if the meal plan is not 7 days, as some meal plans are Monday through Friday to allow for weekends, there will be bonus content recipes or an additional meal plan attached to the ebook. Grocery List A full grocery list that outlines the ingredients needed to follow this meal plan. To save time and money before you head out to do your shopping, take some time to go through the list and check off any items you already have. The list is organized into categories based on how a typical grocery store is laid out. This will allow you to do your grocery shopping in an organized order starting with fruits then vegetables, etc Recipes Every recipe states the total number of servings and the approximate prep time. Unless otherwise indicated, you will be eating one serving of each meal. So if a recipe serves four, prepare it and divide it into four even portions. Leftovers You'll notice that some meals on the plan are shaded out. Those meals have been marked as a leftover. The first meal is NOT shaded and this is when you'll cook all the portions, saving the leftovers for the shaded days. Leftovers are a great way to save you money and time in the kitchen. Note the shaded leftovers may be on a different meal. For example, a meal may be prepared on Monday to eat for dinner but the leftovers may be programmed for lunch or snacks in later days. Medical Disclaimer Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Always speak with your physician before changing, or adopting, any treatment for a health problem. If you have, or suspect that you have, a medical problem promptly contact your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay seeking professional advice, because of information in this ebook. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any liability loss or risk, personal or otherwise, that is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this ebook. The purchase and use of this information does NOT create a professional relationship between you and the author or publisher. Consult your own physician before starting any new diet or exercise program. This meal plan does not promise or guarantee any health benefits.