
12 Pins
Our Presence: The Gift That Really Matters to Our Children
Fill yourself with Christ so that you overflow His love & truth onto others. Have you had your quiet time today?
Wednesday Words of Wisdom - October 23, 2013 - thesassylife
Wednesday Words of Wisdom – October 23, 2013 | thesassylife (And Everyone)
DIY Cross Stitch Pillow That Makes Me Happy
Use a saying to make this pretty DIY cross stitch pillow cover - and then add a cute pom pom trim!
Adventskalender basteln und Geschenke einpacken
Adventskalender basteln mit Liebe - ganz einfach mit dem Becher Trick. Einschneiden, umklappen, zukleben, fertig! Mit Schritt für Schritt Fotos auf meinem Blog.
100 Mind-Blowing DIY Christmas Gifts People Actually Want
DIY Christmas Gifts | Unique Handmade DIY Christmas Gift & Ideas | Family Holiday