
26 Pins
Spiral Multiplication... a Favorite Game of the Year
Spiral Multiplication. Love this idea for a practice game! All you need is a deck of cards and dice. The blog post has directions to download. =)
Learn and Practice Primary / Elementary Math
Learn and Practice Primary / Elementary Math - Homecampus
Must Read Books for Math Teachers
Professional development books for math teachers to sharpen their skills and better meet their students' needs. | maneuveringthemiddle.com
Yet by mholtzen I started using the word “Yet” with my students a couple years ago. When a child says, “But I don’t get it,” or “I can’t do this,” which happens often in my land of perfectionists, I add the word, “Yet” to the end of their declaration.
Digital Teaching Resources — Innovative Teaching Ideas
Free Classroom Poster: Parts of a Paragraph - Classroom Posters & Charts - Edgalaxy: Where Education and Technology Meet.
You should know these - A List of Useful Educational Websites | Share Some Love Today
You should know these - A List of Useful Educational Websites | Share Some Love Today | Scoop.it
20 Positive Behavior Rewards that Aren't Food
20 Whole-Class Rewards that Aren't Food. Perfect for positive behavior rewards and goal setting! (The Brown Bag Teacher)
Homepage - Educators Technology
12 Must Watch TED Talks for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
19 Ridiculously Simple DIYs Every Elementary School Teacher Should Know
19 Ridiculously Simple DIYs Every Elementary School Teacher Should Know
How planets orbit the sun: A Montessori-inspired activity for kids
How planets orbit the sun: This super simple Montessori-inspired activity gives kids a hands-on and concrete way to understand how planets orbit the sun in a large circle || Gift of Curiosity