
46 Pins
Nice Packaging: Banderines con Washi Tape
About the nice things: Nice Packaging using Washi Tape
How To: Wrap a Perfect Present
how to wrap a perfect present, for those of y'all who don't know how to wrap like me! - Please consider enjoying some flavorful Peruvian Chocolate this holiday season. Organic and fair trade certified, it's made where the cacao is grown providing fair paying wages to women. Varieties include: Quinoa, Amaranth, Coconut, Nibs, Coffee, and flavorful dark chocolate. Available on Amazon!
Funny Pictures, Quotes, Pics, Photos, Images. Videos of Really Very Cute animals.
DIY ' Cute Presents (4)
Cardboard inner from toilet roll made into gift box/holder - decorate as you wish. If you like this creation, and if you are inspired by, please visit this site.
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fun! - pattern making with bubble wrap! - DIY art? wrapping paper?#Repin By:Pinterest++ for iPad#
Creative DIY Gift Wrapping DIY: How to make polka dot wrapping paper