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before you take on building your project, start by sculpting yourself a model. You can use clay soil or purchase modelling doesn't matter. Your model will represent the thick walls of whatever system you are actually building with. Make sure your model represents some sort of 1/4" for each foot of the building. This is a passive solar cob house at Earthaven Ecovillage by Steveo Brodmerkel,
Earthship...the ultimate DIY. Resourceful and environmentally friendly.
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straw bale & cob house in Denmark by Kirsten Maria Klibo
Notchmaker's Cob Home in England
This stunningly beautiful window surrounded by swirls of cob looks out over the banks of a small stream in Somerset, England where the local dialect still has remnants of the Anglo-Saxon language. You can see more pictures of this home and read about building with cob at
Cob Building Systems – Foundations and Walls
Cob Building Systems – Foundations and Walls - This Cob House
Brighton Earthship
Combo hallway and greenhouse, growing your own veggies and fruit...stays around 70 degrees year round.
Research journal entry 3- EARTH SHIPS
How an earthship works
Inspired by Nature
'Evolver' is a sculpture erected to view the panorama surrounding Zermatt, Switzerland. It was designed and built in wood by a team of 2nd year architecture students from the ALICE studio at EPFL in Lausanne.
A Hobbit Hole!
Hobbit hole for the little ones. Yes, I am going to push lotr love onto them