
DIY Very Cheap and Easy Yarn Web Tutorial from Crafty Lumberjacks. For the cost of a cheap skein of yarn, transform the interior of your house or apartment.
Create a Haunting Halloween Graveyard With These DIY Cardboard Tombstones | ehow.com
Make these great tombstones out of cardboard boxes and save a ton on Halloween decorations. It's so easy to make, you can get the whole family involved and knock out a few in no time. http://www.ehow.com/how_4863315_make-cardboard-tombstones.html?utm_source=pinterest.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=freestyle&utm_campaign=fanpage
Lisa Potter-Dixon Head Make Up Artist for Benefit Cosmetics, shows us how to recreate a cute deer look this Halloween. Discover full instructions and product details.