
Fused art.
14 Pins
Presenting the Work of Today’s Finest Artists
Amazing! Painted layers of glass fused together. Light Rain: Paul Messink: Art Glass Sculpture - Artful Home
Glass sculpture by Leah Wingfield and Steve Clements - Ego - AlterEgo
Glass sculpture by Leah Wingfield and Steve Clements
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Fused Glass Translucent Flow by TheAuroraArtisan on Etsy, $450.00
Blackbird by Paul Messink (Art Glass Sculpture) | Artful Home
"Blackbird" Art Glass Sculpture Created by Paul Messink- image painted on 9 layers of glass then fused. Such depth and detail. Amazing talent!!
Bildearkiv - Latest images registered:mageID.: gma0001 Title: Cubes, 2001-2005. Plexiglass sculptures, 12 x 12 to 30 x 30 cm, handmade photographic transparencies in layers. Keywords:Trees/Trær. Woods/Skogen. Depth/Dybde. Volume/Volum. Perspective/ Perspektiv. Borrehaugene. Artist: Galina Manikova/BONO. Copyright Fotofil