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Weird Object: Jupiter's Moon Io |
Jupiter's Moon Io aka PizzaMoon - PIZZA MOON. The surface of Io constantly changes its appearance thanks to its volcanoes, which erupt nonstop. The colors result mostly from sulfur in various stages of solidification. Photo by NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
The Daily Galaxy - Great Discoveries Channel - Great Discoveries Channel
NASA VIDEO: Close-Up of Pluto's Moon Charon --Does It Harbor a Buried Ocean? ☼ The time-lapse “movie” of Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, below was recently shot at record-setting distances with the Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) on NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft. The movie was made over about a week, from Jan. 25-31, 2015. It was taken as part of the mission’s second optical navigation (“OpNav”) campaign to better refine the locations of Pluto and Charon...
Hebes Chasma
Hebes Chasma on Mars (ESA Space in Images 2013-10)
Nature is Life
banshy: “Moon And Stars // National Optical Astronomy Observatory ”
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Approaching Jupiter This enhanced color view of Jupiter's south pole was created by citizen scientist Gabriel Fiset using data from the JunoCam instrum... - Anand Sankar - Google+