Science & Technology

292 Pins
Time-lapse of total eclipse in Indonesia
Footage captures time lapse of the total solar eclipse in Indonesia and the Western Pacific
Japanese court orders nuclear reactors offline
A court in Japan orders Kansai Electric Power to shut down two reactors in Takahama, after locals raise safety concerns.
How thinking about infinity changes kids’ brains on math – Sarah Scoles | Aeon Ideas
When I first encountered infinity, I was a four-year-old in the Latter-day Saints temple in Atlanta, Georgia. My parents, my sister and I were there to be ‘sealed’ to each other, in a ceremony meant to unite us as a family forever. I didn’t really...
When Astronomers Chased a Total Eclipse in a Concorde
In the 1970s, a small group of astronomers used the first prototype of the Concorde to pursue a total eclipse across the Sahara at twice the speed of sound.
Appeals court rejects challenge to solar plant on sacred tribal land
The Obama administration fast-tracked the Genesis Solar Power Project in California over the objections of tribes.
After 116 days, MIT fossil fuel divestment sit-in ends in student-administration deal for climate action
After 116 days, MIT fossil fuel divestment sit-in ends in student-administration deal for climate action
Near-Earth Asteroid 2013 TX68 Safely Flew By The Planet
Despite proclamations of potential doom, the celestial object was never a threat to hit the planet.
I Tried Laughing Gas Therapy to See if It Could Dull My Traumatic Memories
A neuroscientist at University College London is studying whether or not NOS can help people forget distressing events, so I volunteered to be one of his guinea pigs.
A Bionic Fingertip Let an Amputee Feel Texture Again
Researchers are still working towards one holy grail in the prosthetics-making sphere: How to make them touch-sensitive.
Scientists examine the scars left by huge asteroid 65 mil. years ago
Around 65.5 million years ago a 10-km wide asteroid crashed into the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, suddenly altering all life on the planet.
Germany's BASF has won effective domination of the US market for the world's most promising lithium-ion battery
But Belgium's Umicore vows to challenge the ruling
As wells go deeper, radium levels rise in state tap water - Wisconsin Watch
As communities grow and pump more groundwater, radium from deep bedrock is contaminating dozens of water systems. The city of Waukesha wants to tap into Lake Michigan to solve its radium problem.