
12 Pins
ravello pattern by Isabell Kraemer
Ravelry: ravello pattern by Isabell Kraemer 5 euros (fingering weight, top down, boatneck, )
G-knits' Morrison
Ravelry: G-knits' Morrison - I'm always amazed at how creative people can be at modifying and improving on patterns. Love these mods!
thislazylady's Cecilia
A very pretty thing: Cecilia by Lene Holme Samsøe - Project by thislazylady
lilalu's April the second
this one’s for me….only for me ;)))))) love it to pieces (esp. the red button on the back ;)
Muslingekjole/tunika - Hjelholt designs - Designere
Muslingekjole/tunika - Hjelholt designs - Designere