
43 Pins
Narrative inducing SuperCRIT & FUMBLE chart 2.0! (New font, better order, caveats) [OC]
Narrative inducing SuperCRIT & FUMBLE chart 2.0! (New font, better order, caveats) [OC] : DnDHomebrew
🏆MERFOLK WINS! 🏆 Vote now on my Instagram story for the next random loot table~! * * ALSO! Let me know the answers to these questions in…
DREAD wondrous item, common This shroud is enchanted with weak illusions and thaumaturgy-like effects. By an action, you can put on this hood. Your face is obscured by magical darkness, and your eyes glow red. - iFunny
8 Mythmaker Spells - A Collection of Recent Brews #3
8 Mythmaker Spells - A Collection of Recent Brews #3 : Mythmaker5e
Surge Step (Transmutation Cantrip) - Zip around the battlefield with this useful mobility option [Mythmaker's Grimoire Vol. 2 -- releasing this month!]
Daily Brew: Helpful Hound - the next episode of "summoning spells without stat blocks"
(1) Daily Brew: Aurora Arrow - another arrow cantrip to fuel your arcane archer dreams! : Mythmaker5e
D&D 5e Cooking Profession
Noblecrumpet's Dorkvision Blog — D&D 5e Cooking Profession Here are some cooking...
A boon I created years ago with help from this community but I never posted the finished version!
A boon I created years ago with help from this community but I never posted the finished version! : DnDHomebrew
Feat for cooking and eating monsters
Feat for cooking and eating monsters : UnearthedArcana