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Decorating Archives - How to Decorate
Perfect color paletter for peace and serenity #reflectionsdayspa #barbados Spa color palette in coastal theme
Calm, beach, summer, coast. these colors are beautiful. I would love to have a bedroom w/these colors. they would be so relaxing and tranquil.
27 Inspired-By-Nature Color Palettes for a Beautiful Home
What's already been chosec: your couch, rug and chair color. Those are in here. Add some blues and greens. Will work with your shades.
Natural Driftwood for a Spa Like Bathroom
love driftwood...Karen bought me beautiful vases....perhaps this is what needs to go in them!
Beach themed inspired fireplace.
Perfect for a beach themed bathroom... Throw In for day of bridal shower
DIY - Sea Shell Candles (NauticalWheeler)
Beautiful DIY #seashell candles - such a lovely idea! Stay inspired with #LaneBryant ♥
Photo Diary: A Day at the Shelter with Wags and Walks - Lauren Conrad
Shells...I have a bowl set up just like this! Will add the strand of pearls, I also have, but didn't think to put them in the shell display like they have here. Will fix that later today because I love what they add to the look :)
field tones beautiful for a homes color scheme.. boys room, girls room, living room, master bedroom, bathroom...
Photo (Le JaRdin de l'îL d'ElLe)
blush cup (object) Color Palette - Paint Inspiration- Paint Colors- Paint Palette- Color- Design Inspiration
How to pick wedding colors & 4 hot color palettes for spring! — Wedpics Blog
♡// Live in Montreal? L​ooking for vintage rentals and handmade items to compliment your wedding or event? Vous restez à Montreal? Vous cherchez de la décor et des accessoires 'vintage' et faits à la main pour compléter vo​tre mariage/événement? http://lamarieeboheme.com/home