Infp + Enfj

What a Romance With Each Personality Type Feels Like - Personality Growth
INFP Decorating for the Idealist - Naomi Bjerk
INFP (The Idealist) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee [putting this under 'Humor' because I'm beginning to doubt the validity of this test/the MBTI, after many long years of extolling it]
Here’s A Personal Bluetooth Boombox That’ll Fit In Your Pocket
45 Signs That You Are Truly An INFP At Heart | Thought Catalog
infp There's a Rush song that has the line "rational romantic mystic cynical idealist" and I always felt that it was a pretty good fit for me.
An Overview of ENFJ Personality and its Positive Traits
ENFJ personality traits
The Sixteen Types
We won't lie to you because we know you need to trust us. But we will tell you the truth in love, because we care about your feelings too.
Unless their inferior (Introverted thinking Ti) becomes fascinating to them.
Intp. Usually I think just about anything I can't rationalize. And yes think about that one embarrassing thing I did or like a million. Hahha
MBTI types when sleep deprived || Sleep deprived yesterday and I can tell you as an INFP/ENFP (I'm an omnivert) that I really was really weird
ENFJs and INFPs seem to get along pretty well. Probably because they understand each other because of the NF, and balance each other out with IE and PJ. :)
A Guide to INFP Relationship Compatibility With Other Personality Types
A Guide to INFP Relationship Compatibility with Other Personality Types
10 Things INFPs Want From The Person They’re Dating
10 Things INFPs Want From The Person They’re Dating | Thought Catalog
INFP Introduction - Personality Central
This section INFP Personality gives a basic overview of the personality type, INFP. For more information about the INFP type, refer to the links below or on the sidebar.