Colour Palette

Color Palette #1960
White, beige, gray, brown a classic contrasting combination that has been successfully used for the decoration of any room in the interior, decoration of a.
color scooped (design seeds)
Love the 3rd color from the left for a pop of color - not coral, not burgundy
Color Palette #1910
Color Palette No. 1910
color bubble (design seeds)
color bubble | design seeds | Bloglovin’
design seeds
flora palette - design seeds. you could even take the first three and the last three as two separate palettes
Cool Palettes | Page 3 of 101 | Color Palette Ideas
Cool Palettes | Page 3 of 51 | Color Palette Ideas
tea tones (design seeds)
Tea tones: KittyKait!!!! Show to mom. Just an idea. The lighter shades for paint and than pops of the darker colors.
Color Palette #1927
das gelb etwas heller: zitronengelb Color Palette #1927
Finding Inspiration: Craft Room/Guest Bedroom Ideas
Color Palette | soft, coral and sea foam green walls the lightest teal with accent pillows and decor. maybe add in yellow and purple too.
SK's Copper Work
....voor meer inspiratie of
color dew (design seeds)
color dew | design seeds | Bloglovin’
I love the navy, teal, and gold combo right now... thinking maybe I'll use it for a geometric canvas piece to hang above the couch! COLOR STUDY || Pinegate Road