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Canada Unveils 'Dinosaur Mummy' Found With Skin And Gut Contents Intact
Canada Unveils 'Dinosaur Mummy' Found With Skin And Gut Contents Intact | ARCHAEOLOGY WORLD
Dr Dean Lomax on Twitter
Can we take a minute to appreciate just how frigging insane this fossil is. This is an ichthyosaur with actual skin preserved. Not just that, but even the dorsal and tail fins are preserved! Oh, and the skin around its fins. Ichthyosaurs are epic, just saying
Giant Predator of Dinosaurs by. VI models, Vitamin Imagination
ArtStation - Giant Predator of Dinosaurs by. VI models, Vitamin Imagination
14mm SNAIL Cepaea Fossils Miocene Gastropods Mollusks Germany Schnecken lot | eBay
13mm SNAIL Cepaea Fossils Miocene Gastropods Mollusks Germany Schnecken lot
Giant footprint 'could shed light on titanosaurus behaviour'
Giant footprint 'could shed light on titanosaurus behaviour' - BBC News
Edmontosaurus Facts: Edmontosaurus (Wikimedia Commons)
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Fosil Coral Placosmilia vidali Fossilien Natural Minerals Spain Cretaceous
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Fosil Coral Placosmilia vidali Fossilien Natural Minerals Spain Cretaceous
William J. Davis | Kentucky Fossil Corals: A Monograph of the Fossil Corals of the Silurian and Devonian Rocks of Kentucky (1885)
The colonial rugose coral Acinophyllum stramineum, from the Onondaga Limestone of Erie County, New York
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Trilobite Baby Phacops fossil Devonian Fossiles Trilobiten