
22 Pins
Two Atlantic Puffins making their sounds like a 'chainsaw starting up'...really EM
The Birds Are Back In Town-Puffin's
This photo was taken today at 'Bempton Cliff's', this place has almost 200,000 birds living on its white cliffs between the months of april-august, Gannets,Guillemots,Razorbills,Puffins and more are arriving daily, this morning i got there at 4.30am, got myself in place just before dawn, i'd climbed down onto a ledge so i'd be as level as i could to the puffins, the background i could do nothing with as this is one of the cliff's that make up this coast line, these birds are really beautiful...
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
A Puffin Colony's 40-Year Journey Back To Maine
Three puffins sit on a rock. (Derrick Jackson)
Puffins, seen thousands on Skellig Michael recently, magical-amazing-awesome...
Atlantic Puffin - Fratercula arctica by Massimiliano Sticca / 500px
Atlantic Puffin - Fratercula arctica