
34 Pins
Calathea is a genus of plants belonging to the family Marantaceae. Native to the tropical Americas. Our plant lady @soiledplanties #helloplantlady
When your mum goes to the begonia festival and wants to high five old ladies after this display plant goes on sale. The funny thing is, while she was squealing with joy and telling them she was so lucky, these ladies had been staring at it and wanting to buy it. Awkward. But when you want something, don't let anything stand in your way, including little old ladies 👵🏻 And once you get it, make sure you rub it in their face 😂😂😂 #begonia #plant #nature #indoorplants #indoorplant #flower #fl...
P L A N T A T I O M E A (@plantatiomea) auf Instagram: „I just love her! Begonia Maculata
Happy Wednesday! #philodendronpinkprincess #pinkprincessphilodendron #pinkplants #pink #plants #plantas #plantaddict #plantobssesed…