
14 Pins
Cough Remedy
My mom always put vivks on my feet, and I never knew why!?---Use vicks vapor rub and socks. Even the worst cough can be stopped within 5-15 minutes, and lasts hours. Just apply the vapor rub generously to the bottom of your (or child's) feet, and cover with socks. works 100% of the time, and has been proven to work better than prescription drugs! This REALLY Works, but eucalyptus from the herb isle at the grocery store will do the same thing.
Recycling the Old and Dry into Liquid Gold
GOOD TO KNOW-Amazing.. I can't believe I've been throwing out all my old markers! I am SO doing this.
Hun måtte amputere beina etter å ha brukt et vanlig dagligvareprodukt - nå advarer hun kvinner over hele verden
Derfor skal du alltid helle eddik i vaskemaskinen – grunnen er genial
Genialt triks: – All skitten bare rant rett av
Aldrig mera myror hemma eller i trädgården – billiga och giftfria knepet få känner till
Evas smarta husmorsknep – så fick hon de gamla lakanen kritvita igen
bikarbonat och citronsyra för att bleka. Så får du lakanen helt vita igen – på naturlig väg | Leva & bo
Homemade DIY Cleaner for Stubborn Carpet Stains
Declare war on stubborn carpet stains! Learn how your iron can help you get your carpet clean for good!
How to clean your glass cooktop with baking soda, dishsoap and hot soapy water - Behind The Studio
How to clean your glass cooktop using baking soda and water