
23 Pins
DIY Fruit and Vegetable Wash (& Preserver)
Fruit and Vegetable Wash (+Preserver) | Wellness Mama
Skeptical of Vinegar? Try Baking Soda to Clean Produce – LifeSavvy
You should be washing your fruits and vegetables, and some even recommend using vinegar to do so. If you’re worried about your produce tasting funny, though, there’s another method you can try.
Use Vinegar to Properly Clean Your Produce
What is the best way to clean produce? There are many options out there ranging from chemicals to soap and water. However, if you are looking for a green and cost-effective way to clean your produce, our favorite way is to give the produce a bath in white vinegar and water. #produce #cleanproduce #vinegarbath
3 Natural Ways To Remove Pesticides From Produce » Read Now!
Daily Mom » 3 Natural Ways To Remove Pesticides From Produce