31 Pins
How to make an epoxy tabletop by AeroMarine Products
Making an Epoxy tabletop can be surprisingly easy and painless once you know how. Watch our 10 minute video on how to do it!
Drying and Preserving Flowers for Resin
The best methods for preserving flowers and petals from your special bouquets forever. These 4 flower drying techniques will help retain the colour of your flowers and they're fast too. #preservingflowers #howtodryflowers #MillLaneStudio #driedflowers #driedroses #pressedflowers #silicagel #microwavingflowers
The Easiest Way to Dry Flowers in a Microwave
It's true that you can not only dry flowers in a microwave, but also preserve the flowers' natural beauty for years to come! This is, by far, the easiest and best way to dry flowers in a microwave.
How To Clean Resin Off Tools So You Can Reuse Them - Resin Obsession
Make your resin projects bubble-free by following these bubble-busting tips. Learn the best ways to mix resin so that you don't have bubbles to deal with. And for those times when you do get bubbles, learn how to remove them from the resin using the tricks that the experts use. #MillLaneStudio #resinbubbles #resintipsandtricks #resintipsforbeginners #airbubblesinresin