Maris hage

20 Pins
Growing plants for ground cover
For the ditch? Ground cover plants such as Aubrieta are excellent for steep banks - they suppress weeds, help stabilise the soil and are low maintenance.
Landscaping Steep Slopes | Hillside Landscapes
Great success with planting a slope has to do with the types of plants you use. Here are some great tips, ideas and photos. For low maintenance, be sure to use drought tolerant plants!
Idées pour décorer et aménager votre abri de jardin
Green Roof Shed at Chasewater, Innovation Centre, Brownhills, Staffordshire UK. Photo: Garden Shed by Thislefield Plants & Design:
Hagedesignerens egen drømmehage - Byggmakker
Som en av Norges fremste hagedesignere bruker Darren Saines mye tid på å lage fantastiske hager for andre. Derimot hadde hans egen hage måtte stå i skyggen i...
Tuinen 200 - 500 m² strakke, moderne of natuurlijke vormen
Tuin met grote vlonders en keerwanden aan het water Hoveniersbedrijf DECAtuinen Almere Flevoland