
40 Pins
19 Couches That Ensure You'll Never Leave Your Home Again
19 Couches That Ensure You'll Never Leave Your Home Again -remember all those amazingly deep comfy looking couches? Well u can find where to buy them here
Picture Frame Wall - Lolo Webb
"Picture frame wall that won't break the budget. Large, brass, high quality frames perfectly spaced out to create a beautiful space in your home."
Hogarmania - Las mejores ideas para tu hogar
Si siempre soñaste con tener un jardín, pero no está dentro de tus posibilidades quizás un terrario te haga realidad los sueños. Los terrarium son pequeños jardines en miniatura, invernaderos que recrean las condiciones idóneas para plantas exóticas y que decorarán tu casa con un toque de elegancia y originalidad. A la hora de componer nuestro propio terrario o …
Succulent Gardens for Small Spaces
Find out how to make small succulent gardens that look amazing and take only a few minutes! Easy, affordable, delightful to look at and hardly any maintenance needed.
21 Simple Ideas For Adorable DIY Terrariums
Hanging Terrarium
Upcycled Chairs Into a Bench
My Repurposed Life How to make a Chair Bench How funny that she called this a project FAIL!