
22 Pins
Individual Acrylic Cake Charms - Character Pack 70 Charms / Small 35mm Tall
Acrylic Individual Cake Charms, great for any Celebration Cake. 2 Sizes - Small 35mm Tall or Large 55mm Tall Please select how many characters you require, then write in the personalisation the order of your request. There are a selection of symbols to add, plus the use of 'is, the, and'. to create your desired sentence. The Character Pack contains 70 charms in the following selection. "is x 2" "and x 2" 111222334455667788990000 AAABCCDEEEFGHIIJKLLMMOOONNPQRSSTUUVWXYYZ All letters are in upperca
A dino-mite birthday bash: Sawyer is three! - Just Add Confetti