
51 Pins
funny quotes, pictures, and jokes about pregnancy... ther are a few about new baby too!
Funny Pregnancy Quotes | funny quotes, pictures, and jokes about pregnancy... ther are a few ...
Funny Text Messages - Dadhey could you lend me $50 for gas while I look for a job?Don't you have a job?I got fired yesterday. My boss told me I needed to leave my problems at the door when I came to work.And?I told him to go stand outside.HAHAHAHAHAHA your mother is going to die when she hears this!
Top 15 Awkward Parent Texts - Awkward Parents - Jan 1, 2012 - Autocorrect Fails and Funny Text Messages - SmartphOWNED
Autocorrect Fails and Funny Text Messages - SmartphOWNED