16 Pins
Makkelijke te maken met zoutdeeg - 2 kopjes bloem, 1 kopje zout, koud water. Mix totdat het op kinderklei lijkt. Bak op 250 graden fahrenheit voor 2 uur, dan af laten koelen en schilderen. Kan goed met duimprints van kinderen voor bijv moederdag! Nu al meerdere keren geprobeerd maar lukt niet.. Foto geplaatst door awildekamp op
babies thumbprint - 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, cold water. Mix until has consistency of play dough. bake at 250 for 2 hours, then cool and paint. pendants.
Hooked On You
Pin now, look later. This website has LOTS of great ideas for things to do for the man in your life (husband, boyfriend, etc.)
Homemade Foot Soak for Dry Feet
GET it right this summer!! Men can do this too! Listerine: the BEST way to get your feet ready for summer. Sounds crazy but it works! Mix 1/4c Listerine (any kind but I like the blue), 1/4c vinegar and 1/2c of warm water. Soak feet for 10 minutes and when you take them out the dead skin will practically wipe off!
DIY Air Dried Porcelain Recipe. (made from common household ingrediants! Great for crafts... hand prints, necklaces, ornaments and more! .
NameBright - Domain Expired
You don’t have to have a heart-shaped muffin tin to make fun heart-shaped muffins or cupcakes. Simply line a tin with paper liners, then drop a marble in between the tin and liner. (Balls of aluminum foil will also work.)
Owls, Foil, Glue, and Shoe Polish
Must try this technique. Glue makes the design, aluminum foil over top, shoe polish over that to accentuate the design.